Anchored in Faith by Him
For over 2000 years biblical scholars and men of God have delved (researched, investigated, explored, examined, probed, and inquired) into every aspect of God’s Word and Christianity in very complex detail. Each aspect can probably be studied for a lifetime (or forever) without reaching a complete understanding of the subject matter. So, if you want to join the many who have always wanted to know and understand more, I pray you have success in doing so.
I am, like many Christians, one whose life has been transformed in such a way that not only am I more grateful and thankful than I can ever express but in a contrasting manner, I’m dismayed at the stubbornness of most men and women to even inquire into Christianity considering the ramifications its importance holds regarding their eternal destiny.
I’m sure many of us wish we could just ‘download’ all we have learned, come to understand about God’s love, grace, mercy, compassion, and justice along with our great learning experiences, and then just insert it into someone’s mental consciousness so we would not have to try so hard to make them understand. We want so badly to pass on this Good News Gospel and see our families, loved ones, friends, acquaintances and yes, even strangers, come to the realization that the life that lays ahead for them will be so much more satisfying knowing the path has been laid out before them through God’s direction. We know that it is not our job to convince anyone but it is our job to present the Gospel that they may not have yet heard regarding the free gift of eternal life in heaven and it is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict them of the life they are living and show the way of life through faith.