I am well aware that many who visit this website, may well have been Christians for far longer than I and even if for a shorter time may have studied more in depth and have greater knowledge. I’m sure that’s probably more the case than not. I don’t want anyone assuming that when I pass this on that I am presuming they don’t know this information. I also think many may have information accumulated that they will give to a person they are trying to witness to or to give as ‘food for thought.’ However it is probably likely many do not have such materials readily accessible. I just know it has been quite a project for me and that being single has allowed me all the time I needed without taking time from family and other obligations many have the responsibility to attend to. I hope this material makes it a little more convenient.
I don’t believe there are ‘typical’ Christians’ because we are all different as individuals and experience the depth of our faith in various ways according to our culture, life circumstances, attitudes, experiences and perspectives. What is typical of many (especially in the USA) is the fact we attend church, take sermon notes, listen to radio ministries Bible studies, attend men’s / women’s weekly Bible studies – all for the purpose of a better understanding of God’s Word and realizing that all the positive, transforming aspects of our lives are what have been promised and faithfully provided.
I need to acknowledge that within the accumulated information presented, especially in regards to the material written by others, I have acknowledged their authorship but in many cases I have hi-lighted and/or emphasized certain portions of their content that I wanted to stand out. Also, most Scripture used in my personal work and inserted elsewhere is from ‘The Book’ a special version of the New Living Translation. NIV, NASB, NKJV have also been used, whichever I thought explained or clarified the verse best.
Over the years much of the materials I put together such as the Christians Doctrinal Statements of Faith, was simply because I could not find the information in the concise, complete form I was looking for. Especially information that that did not make me go to outside sources (especially the Bible-that is why most of my work has the verses included including Scripture references). Since originally put together, I have added information from outside sources I felt added further insight. After a while, I had accumulated what I thought was a decent amount of information to give a new Christian a basic, solid foundation and understanding of the Christian faith or any Christian an opportunity to have this material that covers much of what they know or allows them to refresh the components of their faith, fill in blanks they may have missed along the way or just encourage and remind them why they strive to endure and persevere in their faith. Along the way I also found information that was/is foundational to Christianity such as ‘The Westminster Confession of Faith’ which has been included, that I can’t remember being brought to my attention in sermons over my many years as a Christian.
In the past I have handed out different hardcopy combinations of this information and some computer data CD’s with a portion of what is included in this assembled information. I’ve rarely had feedback so I don’t know if any of what was distributed was ever read or if I merely put more importance on its value than I should have.
The purpose of this Website is three-fold. First is because I wanted to have an orderly accumulation of this work all in one place. Second, I want my son and daughter (with whom my relationships have not been what I would have liked them to be) to know what has been important to me in my life. My son and daughter, both of whose committed Christian faith I believe to be intact and socially conscious individuals will have copies of these items and I hope sometime in their life they will find some of this information valuable reinforcement of their values but also something they may be able to pass on, all or in part, to someone or any number of persons who may cross their life’s path. Third is for the purpose of educating, enlightening, reinforcing knowledge, and encouraging one who may first peruse then actually read each item included, just to be aware of its contents. Every word in every sentence is there for a reason. Knowing the contents will allow one when witnessing and a person’s questions are a bit more than you think you can explain, to say “you know, if you’re really interested, I have of a website that might possibly answer your question(s).”