Christian Resources

I am, like many Christians, one whose life has been transformed in such a way that not only am I more grateful and thankful than I can ever express but in a contrasting manner, I’m dismayed at the stubbornness of most men and women to even inquire into Christianity considering the ramifications its importance holds regarding their eternal destiny.

I’m sure many of us wish we could “download” all we have learned and have come to understand about God’s love, grace, mercy, compassion, and justice along with our great learning experiences and then simply insert it into someone’s mental consciousness so we would not have to try so hard to make them understand. We want so badly to pass on this Good News Gospel and see our families, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, and yes, even strangers realize that the life that lays ahead for them will be so much more satisfying knowing the path has been laid out before them through God’s direction. We know that it is not our job to convince anyone, but it is our job to present the Gospel that they may not have yet heard regarding the free gift of eternal life in heaven, and it is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict them of the life they are living and show the way of life through faith.

I need to acknowledge that within the accumulated information presented here, especially regarding the material written by others, I have recognized their authorship. I have highlighted and/or emphasized certain portions of their content that I wanted to stand out in many cases.

The purpose of this website is three-fold. The first is because I wanted to have an orderly accumulation of this work all in one place. Second, I want my children to know what has been important to me in my life. The third is to educate, enlighten, reinforce knowledge, and encourage one who may first peruse then actually read each item included to be aware of its contents. Every word in every sentence is there for a reason. Knowing the contents will allow one when witnessing and a person’s questions are a bit more than you think you can explain, to say, “You know, if you’re interested, I have some information that might possibly answer your questions.”

For over 2000 years, biblical scholars and men of God have researched, investigated, explored, examined, probed, and inquired into every aspect of God’s Word and Christianity in very complex detail. Each aspect can probably be studied for a lifetime without completely understanding the subject matter. So if you want to join the many who have always wanted to know and understand more, I pray that you succeed in doing so.

Don’t miss this ministry’s Foundational Sermon: The Anchor – By Charles H. Spurgeon – 1876



Foundations of Christian Faith

Overview of Theology
Basic explanation and clarification of the teachings of the Bible with scriptural references for all statements. A must-read for every Christian to gain the “big picture” of what the Christian faith involves.

The Christian Doctrinal Statements of Faith
The essential components of Christianity every Christian should understand and acknowledge as being the foundation of their faith.

The Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed
The basic concise statements of belief of the church of God.

The 5 Solas of the Reformation
A foundational set of biblical principles held by theologians and churchmen to be central to the doctrine of salvation as taught by the Lutheran and Reformed branches of Protestantism.

The Westminster Confession of Faith – Plain English
Thirty-three aspects of the foundation of the Christian faith are explained in a detailed manner.

The Westminster Confession of Faith – Original Language


Understanding the Resurrection

Over the years during the Easter celebrations, it seems (according to my memory), that most sermons preached regarding the resurrection have been basic, reading of the related Scriptures with some variations of perspectives of those described in the story in Scripture. I think many (most?) people know Jesus was arrested, put on trial, beaten, crucified, and buried in the tomb and three days later resurrected, appearing to many and then ascending back to heaven. Many messages have been given on the proofs of the resurrection and the theories proponents trying to disprove the resurrection have proposed. Any of us who have studied the Bible know God is awesome in the way He does what He does and how there is always more to the story than we grasp in some of the typical messages we hear or the way so many of us read Scripture without taking the time, initiative or having the inclination to really stop to dig and understand all the ramifications of what we have read.

That is one of the main reasons why John MacArthur’s messages are so prominently included in this compilation of materials. Messages such as; An Overview of Resurrection Truth, Looking at the Cross from God’s Perspective, The Resurrection Plan, The Why, Who, and How of the Resurrection, The Power of the Resurrection, Resurrection: The Key to Everything, Reasons for Rejecting the Resurrection, Resurrection Incentives and The Other Resurrection (at Easter), all really give new, different, fresh, insightful perspectives we usually would not consider if they were not laid out before us to appreciate.

Evidence for the Resurrection — If I Had Faked the Resurrection — The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?
For centuries many of the world’s distinguished philosophers have assaulted Christianity as being irrational, superstitious and absurd. Many have chosen simply to ignore the central issue of the resurrection. Others have tried to explain it away through various theories. But the historical evidence just can’t be discounted.

An Overview of Resurrection Truth
In Matthew 28, Matthew gives his look at the greatest event in the history of the world, the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. This is the great cornerstone of the Christian faith. Everything that we are and have and ever hope to be, all that we believe in is predicated on the reality of the resurrection.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Part 1 & Part 2
A thorough examination of the proofs for the resurrection and the theories proponents trying to disprove the resurrection have proposed.

Looking at the Cross From God’s Perspective
The death of the Lord Jesus Christ can be viewed in several different ways and from several different perspectives. Most frequently when we examine the death of Jesus Christ we do it from our viewpoint. We come to the cross and see it through man’s eyes. We see the cross of Jesus Christ as that act by which Christ provided salvation for us. But there is so much more.

The Resurrection Plan
A study of 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, explains the aspects of how God’s plan will be fulfilled. Author, John MacArthur expands and enlightens on verses and terms to give a clearer perspective of their meaning.

The Why Who, and How of the Resurrection
The secular media, run by unsaved people, reject God because they love their sin and refuse to acknowledge that anyone has the right to tell them how to live. The “Jesus” they present is always a much different person of Christ. It hardly ever confirms what has been presented in the Word of God, and is usually deriding Scripture, giving their “educated” thoughts about why the stories presented could not have happened as written, and trying to dissuade those sitting on the fence from putting their faith in Scripture as the inerrant Word of God.

The Power of the Resurrection
In Acts chapter 2, the first resurrection sermon ever preached, was preached by the Apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost. He has three major points. First, is the reality of the resurrection. Second, the results of the resurrection, and, thirdly, the response to the resurrection.

The Resurrection is the Key to Everything
If you remove the resurrection of Jesus Christ from Christianity, you don’t have Christianity. You literally take the heart out of it. We accept that the resurrection happened by faith. Faith that is given to us by the Holy Spirit. We have been convinced by the Holy Spirit that the Bible is true, and the Bible says, “Jesus rose from the dead.”

Reasons for Rejecting the Resurrection
Millions of people throughout history believed that Jesus physically, literally died, and rose again. But there are some people who don’t believe that. Why do people concoct these theories which are against the facts and are blinded to the truth? Why do they do this? This article examines several reasons that people use to reject the resurrection.

Resurrection Incentives
The principles of behavior tell us that people are not going to give their life to something they don’t really believe. If you tell people there’s no bodily resurrection, what makes you think they’re going to bother with Christianity? What makes you think they’re going to live a sacrificial life? What makes you think they’re going to set their life apart to holiness if there’s no resurrection. If there are no consequences, there are no rewards.

The Combined Gospels Resurrection Account
Beginning with the biblical account of the burial of Jesus, what then follows is the combined resurrection account of the order of events as they transpired as presented in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

The Resurrection Body
There are millions of tombstones all over the world that say, “Here lies …” and the person’s name. But that really isn’t accurate, because those who were Christians are in heaven with the Lord. However, someday they’ll be reunited with their bodies at the resurrection.

The Other Resurrection
The Bible says, “And the tombs were opened and many bodies of the saints that slept were raised and came out of the graves.” Have you ever wondered exactly what was happening and what the lesson to be understood was? Interesting insight.




Praise for Salvation

Thankful for Prayer

Prayer for Our Children

Potter and the Clay


Preciousness of Life

Prayer of Reflection

I Ask the Lord
A prayer to ask God to help you make and spend the time to develop an intimate relationship with God.


Children & Parents

For the Youth
A guide for parents to include the experiences and life lessons they feel their children should be aware of. Also includes a “Prayer for Our Children” which every Christian parent needs for their children.

Crucial Lessons for a Wise Father
Another tool many fathers might find convenient as a guide to pass on information we usually are not very good at or might not be thorough enough in detail.

Father to Son
From a father to his son – “food for thought” and information to consider on characteristics that will define him throughout his life. Most come from a Christian perspective and some are just a combination of common sense and experience.

A Son’s Blessing
A father pours his heart out to God on behalf of his son.



Understanding the Bible

Introduction to the Bible
The process that brought us the canon, the books to be included in the Bible. Answers to such questions as Where did the Bible come from? Who wrote the Bible—God or man?

Trust the Bible
This article brings out aspects of the Bible many of us never thought of, yet they present convincing viewpoints to ponder.

Evidence the Bible
If you are already a Christian, your faith in the Bible will be strengthened, if you are a skeptic, it is time to reconsider your skepticism. The Fulfilled Prophecy, with Archaeological Verification, Internal Consistency, Scientific Accuracy, and more!

Answers to Skeptics
Answers skeptic’s top 5 questions plus 10 more that commonly arise.

Paradoxes in Scripture
A king who becomes a servant. A king who exchanges the crown of glory for a crown of thorns. The eternal Giver of Life who dies…on the surface, all of that seems paradoxical, if not downright contradictory.

Old Testament Scriptural Prophesies and their New Testament Scriptural fulfillment by Jesus.

Generations of Adam
Adam lived 930 years. He lived long into these generations; long into the generation of Cain and the secular culture; long enough to see the accumulated impact of sin. In fact, Adam only dies one generation before the flood. So he would have seen the wickedness of the populated world, having reached nearly its apex.

The 12 Tribes of Israel
The 12 tribes of Israel are (for the most part) named after the 12 sons of Jacob. Each son became the patriarch of an individual tribe as the nation grew. The nation of Israel is central to the Bible’s narrative, especially the Old Testament. But that country wasn’t just a uniform people group: Israel is a mix of 12 tribes in the Bible.

Biblical Feasts
God gave the feasts to point our spiritual fathers toward Christ. They were shadows and He the real thing. The author of Hebrews warns his audience, professing believers who were tempted to go back to the Temple and the Old Covenant shadows, that to go back is to deny that Christ has come.

Topical Chapter References
Topical Chapter References of the Books of the Bible (Genesis – Revelation). This information lists every book and chapter of the Bible, in order, and lists the contents of each chapter in the order they appear within that chapter. For me, it has been a good quick reference item when I know the book but not the chapter an item of interest appears. Listing this information in this form has been the most satisfying of anything else I have done.

Biblical Perspective of War
Detailed writing for the express purpose of the context for Scripture regarding war and passing on of information concerning the convictions many hold who are conscientious objectors.


Understanding the Birth of Jesus

Christmas a Personal Promise
God engineered the first Christmas to fulfill His promise to mankind. It is a personal promise from God to mankind. It is one of the three most important events in human history. God’s plan for the salvation of mankind had to begin with the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Seven Reasons Why Jesus Was Born
Here are seven reasons, leading up to the greatest of all, that Jesus the Messiah, the very Son of God, had to be born.

Birth of the King
The first two chapters of the gospel of Matthew, the first two chapters in the New Testament, introduce us to the birth of the King.

What if Jesus Had Never Been Born
A historical look at the importance of Christianity—putting aside matters of theology or faith.


Understanding Salvation

Salvation Doctrines
You are in the eternal plan of God, sharing the destiny of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your Christian life began the moment you believe the Gospel, putting your complete confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. At that moment, God provided you with a great number of unique and permanent blessings.

Benefits of Salvation
Some of the benefits of being a Christian and why they are ours.

Saved or Self Deceived?
We all live under some illusions. It’s part and of human nature to cover up our faults and defects. So, with the Lord saying, you must enter the narrow gate, it won’t be easy because there are false prophets trying to keep you from doing that and sending you on the broad way. And it won’t be easy because you will tend to be self-deceived.


Praise for Salvation

Sinners Prayer
The sinner’s prayer is a Christian term for a prayer that is said when someone wants to repent of their sin, ask God for forgiveness, and state belief in the life, death, and saving resurrection of Jesus Christ.



Verses of Encouragement
A collection of Scriptures on topics such as God is in control, God’s love, God’s faithfulness, God’s forgiveness, faith, salvation, eternal life, God’s guidance, and many more.

Words to Encourage
A collection of Scriptures to encourage an understanding of the Bible’s message of Jesus Christ and His effect on our lives.

Our Great Encourager
Discouragement comes to all of us at times, but we don’t have to remain in that condition. Although it often feels like a trap from which there is no escape, every believer has a choice to either stay in a pit of discouragement or to get out. When we fix our eyes on our great, encouraging God, He lifts us up and sets us free.


Forgiveness, Grace, & Thanksgiving

Ephesians 4:32 tells us to be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. These Scriptural guidelines are defined here.

The Riches of God’s Grace
For over 2000 years, sermons and messages have been written and preached on God’s grace. But there is more to God’s grace than we can or will ever understand. This message presents the different aspects of the characteristics and riches of God’s grace.  Source material by Charles Stanley was reworked for this message.

Giving Thanks to God
A framework where we have “food for thought” and a guideline in which we adapt the information to our personal lives and situations. All Christians have many of the same things to be thankful to God for, however, in our personal lives we all have a different perception of how God has worked in our lives and given us the comfort and strength to endure and persevere.


Parables, Stories & Important Lessons

The Last Will Be First – The Parable of the Laborers
John MacArthur offers an explanation to help understand why it is equitable (fair)  that a child who comes to know Christ as their Savior in their youth and serves Him throughout their life working for the Kingdom of God receives salvation and eternal life, the same reward that a person, who has led a life indifferent to the things of God and throughout that life has committed what both God and man would call evil, wicked and despicable deeds, yet in the last moments of his life realizes the imminence of his mortality (nearness of his death) and fearing the unknown of what lies ahead, calls out to Jesus Christ for forgiveness for the life he has lived and accepts the gospel message he had previously rejected.

The Bible and the Old Wicker Coal Basket
How many of us have said, “Every time I read the Bible, I can’t remember what I just read?” This short story should not only give you consolation but encouragement that your time and effort are not wasted.

Reframing Your Appetites
Appetites are never fully satisfied. Your appetites always whisper, “NOW,” never “LATER.” If we can’t get this right, it doesn’t matter if we get anything else right. If we live as if just a little more will finally satisfy us, the end may be the loss of what we consider most valuable.

Understanding God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit

Biblical References Regarding the Trinity
Not only are the verses referring to the trinity listed, but also verses also referencing how each one of the Trinity, God the Father, Jesus, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit each are involved in the creation, the incarnation, salvation, the resurrection, the inspiration of Scripture, etc.

Who is God
When we believe in the one true God, accept the Gospel message passed on to us from Him by His Spirit through the writers of the Bible, we can also accept all the other benefits and guidance the Bible offers as we go through the trials of life.

Names for God and Jesus Christ
Many of the names, titles, and scriptural references of which God has revealed Himself. God, in the names He associates with Himself shows us the exhaustive, extensive, far-reaching aspects of His involvement in our lives.

In Christ: We are…
Descriptions and Scriptural references of who we are…“in Christ.”

Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
It is time to give honor to the third member of the Trinity, namely the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the most forgotten, the most misrepresented, the most dishonored, the most grieved, the most abused, and the most blasphemed of the members of the Trinity.

Ministry of the Holy Spirit
What is the true work of the Holy Spirit? What is He really doing? What is His power accomplishing?

Gifts of the Holy Spirit
God has given each believer a combination of opportunities and gifts that are perfectly suited to your situation in life. Every Christian is really a minister with a unique contribution to make to the body of Christ. The central thrust of your ministry depends on the spiritual gifts you have received.


Understanding the Gospels & the Disciples

The Disciples
A list of the Apostles and their fates. Includes the Apostle Paul and John the Baptist.

The Disciples Prayer/The Lord’s Prayer
Understanding The Lord’s Prayer in line-by-line detail.

The Last Supper
The events that transpired during this evening are presented with Scriptural references.

The Gospel of Repentance and Perseverance
A message, with Scriptures that stress the importance of understanding all that the gospel entails, the importance of repentance, perseverance, and endurance in the process of true, genuine salvation.

Peter & Judas
The differences between the two men who were so similar yet so different. The reasons why one is so revered and one is so despised.

The Gospel in Three Groupings
Three groups of Scripture that reveal God’s Salvation plan.


Understanding Heresies and False Religions

Exposing Heresies of the Catholic Church – Mary Worship
Millions upon millions of people every day pray to and worship Mary. They pray to her to save them. They pray to her to protect them, to comfort them, to rescue them, to bring them to heaven and she has never heard one of those prayers ever. By any honest definition, this is idolatry, this is a severe violation of the first commandment.

Exposing Heresies of the Catholic Church – The Mass
Scripture does not waver on the finality of Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf. In the practice of the mass, the Roman Catholic Church has reinstituted an unbiblical system of repeated sacrifices, blaspheming Christ and perverting His work on the cross.

Muslims, Mormons, and JWs – Differences with Christianity
Scripture listings of the basic differences with Christianity.


Understanding Death, Heaven, Hell, and Eternity

Salvation & Eternity in Heaven vs. Eternity in Hell. This is one of the items to look at to see all that it includes.

The Watchman’s Warning
Each Christian’s call to spread the gospel to our circle of influence and the results of our lack of doing so and how God stresses our responsibility and accountability.

The Doctrine of Inability
Any discussion of the doctrine of predestination or the doctrine of divine sovereign election, as a work of God is based, on another doctrine. God must save us. He must choose us, call us, regenerate us, justify us by His divine power because we are neither willing nor able to do it for ourselves.

Now or Later
A contrast to Joel Osteen’s, “Your Best Life Now.” This is your best life, if your next life is in hell. But, on the other hand, if you are a child of God and your sins are forgiven and you’ve come to embrace Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, this is not even close to your best life.

Hell: The Rich Man & Lazarus
Our Lord Jesus said more about hell than He did about heaven, and certainly more about hell than anybody else in Scripture, or everybody else combined in Scripture.

Final Plea 1
If you are Christian, make it a point the next time you see family or friends who visit you to tell them that you are a Christian and when the time comes, not to mourn your death but celebrate your entrance in to God’s presence for eternity. This makes it easier for a minister at your memorial to give comfort to Christians attending who did not know and something to contemplate for those who are not Christians.

Final Plea 2
A plea to your family and friends for a deep introspection to consider or reconsider what they really believe regarding God’s free offer of Salvation, through faith and trust in the redemptive death of Jesus Christ on the cross for them and His Resurrection, yes, the Gospel message.

Thoughts Regarding the 23rd Psalm
The 23rd Psalm is a reassurance for the believers that the God of creation, their creator, who has shown Himself true and faithful in their lives, loving them, caring for them, providing for them and protecting them will indeed bring them to the glory He has promised them at the end of their long, persevering, enduring life of trust in their Savior.


Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, & Trust

Seeking Wisdom
It is easier to follow a road already paved to a destination than to attempt to make your own trail without the assurance of reaching your intended destination. Most wisdom Scriptures listed together in one place including; The Beginning of Knowledge, The Call of Wisdom, The Value of Wisdom, A Father’s Wise Instruction, The Blessings of Wisdom, Where Is Wisdom?  Along with other assorted wisdom Scriptures from the New and Old Testaments. 

How Good to Those Who Seek
A sermon delivered by C. H. Spurgeon, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, on October 23, 1887. “The LORD is good to the soul that seeks Him.” Lamentations 3:25.

An explanation of how faith works and how man can do nothing on his own to please God unless his deeds are accompanied by Saving Faith in God.

Audio Sermons by Charles H. Spurgeon
Over 1600 sermons originally delivered by C. H. Spurgeon are available for easy listening and reference.

Faith & Trust
Some definitions of words that should describe the depth and extent of your love and commitment to God along with a few other thoughts.

The Bible is a guide for how we should live our lives and the younger we are when we realize that allows us to put our faith and knowledge into practice and to pursue a positive life course that we feel we have been led to.

True Knowledge of the True God
There is no way to represent the true God unless you represent Him based on the revelation of Scripture. It’s so important to know our God for who He is.

Thoughts, Acknowledgments, & Conclusions of a Man Seeking God
Oh, to have known this following information and understood its power at a young age and embraced it!  Along with the men who have joined me in weekly men’s Bible studies over the years, we have learned Biblical truth, history, and foundational Christian Doctrine through the lives of the characters presented. Both those who strayed and those who persevered through dedication to present godly principles. Hopefully, we will grasp them and learn to apply them to our lives. The information presented here is a partial list of what I have come to understand from my time in these studies. Hopefully, in your own studies, you will also come to many of the same conclusions.