A Dilemma for Local Churches

One dilemma I see (from my point of view) is that the churches want to bring more people into the churches to hear the gospel message and the need for God in their lives, but it seems there is so much more foundational information that should be presented periodically or even regularly throughout the year (to the entire body) so those new in their faith and church attendance (which are many and often) have the ability to hear and grasp the ‘the big picture of Christianity’s foundational principals. It seems to me that hearing good messages, week after week, year after year, etc. would be more effective if they were periodically reinforced by reviewing the biblical foundations.

I understand that most all churches have their central governing principles that direct the teaching aspects they use to promote the gospel. Some have topical studies, some teach book by book, verse by verse, while others encourage understanding and obedience to God’s Word by using biblical stories and examples to promote understanding and discernment of how to apply the biblical principles to our lives and circumstances. I do believe every message properly preached has the ability to get the message across that everyone needs God in their lives. With God in our lives, the overall benefits far outweigh a life lived without Him.

Until recently, I had been part of a group for almost 20 years that had put on a church service every week at a convalescent hospital and for 7 or 8 years during that span, personally giving a message every week at a retirement home mostly book by book and some topical messages. A few of my messages included here have been given to different groups over the years. Because my main point to these usually older people has been the Salvation message and ways to emphasize it, there are times parts of a message are repeated in other messages. They were left intact this way so most of this information could be printed out individually and used for whatever purpose one may desire, if so inclined. I am certainly no scholar and because of the groups I had usually been speaking to usually did not allow for prolonged in-depth study, most of my information is pretty basic and simple.

I think the Apostle Peter said it best, “Therefore, I will always remind you about these things—even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth you have been taught. And it is only right that I should keep on reminding you as long as I live. For our Lord Jesus Christ has shown me that I must soon leave this earthly life, so I will work hard to make sure you always remember these things after I am gone.” 2 Peter 1:12-15